We will visit some of the most exciting places and cultures on earth, where positive thoughts of the past and future unite and anxieties are diminished.

The Dark Island will take you beyond the perception of home and make you feel perfectly relaxed in transient places on Earth. We will hope to impress in your memory scenes that stay with you throughout your life.

Visit ice-fields and deserts and realise the universe is mightier than we are; inspired by what lies beyond, fortunate to have visited such places.

In addition to the iconic destinations, UNESCO world heritage sites and world class events, we will engage in unique experiences including treasure seeking and panning for gold.

Glaciers, night skies and sandstone valleys, the attraction of sublime landscapes give emotional connections and feelings no longer felt in the city and countryside; a respectful reminder of all that exceeds us.

Christ the Redeemer, Art Deco-style statue of Jesus Christ at the summit of Mount Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

To learn more about Dark Island residences at sea please contact our sales team.