
Frequently Asked Questions

Can I rent out my suite?

This option is open to residents, however, it must be approved by our sales team and for a minimum of 6 months per rental.

How much rent will I receive?

The rental price will be worked out per suite area and suite location.

What happens to my rent charge?

Rental charge will be credited to your account minus rental management fee.

Who can I rent my suite to?

Clydebuilt sales team will handle all the necessary rental requirements on your behalf, so you don’t need to worry about anything! We will set the renting safeguards should you wish to rent. You can refer potential renters to our sales team if you wish.

What happens if my rented suite is damaged?

The renter is liable for any damage, we will arrange for repair.

If I rent, where can I store my personal belongings?

In addition to the secure cupboard in your suite, storage space is available for suite owners if they have any large items. Storage charge will apply.